Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oct. 27 Class Notes

-- News Quiz
-- Discuss first stories
-- Discuss advance story
-- Discuss Nov. 3 press conference
-- Assignments
-- news clip – story from a press conference
-- rewrite Story 1
-- write five questions for James Sell, and 1-2 paragraphs of background
-- read Page 63, Workbook -- Speeches and Press Conferences
-- Review text Ch. 16 -- Speeches, Meetings, News Conferences

Story 1 points

-- Reason for reading newspapers, submitting clips? Examples to pattern writing after.
-- Don’t editorialize or put yourself in the story (Pages 32, 46)

1. Repeat word in same sentence
2. State the obvious.
3. Write in generalities
4. Use parentheses instead of brackets for missing words in quotes
5. Use put information in parentheses.
6. State the question.
7. Use alternative attribution to “said.”
8. Write in passive voice (… said Reed.)
9. Use semicolons
10. Write in present tense when writing about an event.

1. Be specific.
2. Have a plan – organize the story by points.
3. Support each point w/quotes, facts, background
4. Use “said.”
5. Write in active voice.
6. Ask follow-up questions.
7. Punctuate correctly – no spaces between words and punctuation; commas and period INSIDE quote marks.
8. Make attribution clear, especially when not in an interview.

James Sell advance story, press conference
1. Sources of background information
2. Point of press conference story?
3. Prepare five questions.

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